Difficult to see on this picture but the bird on the right has yellow legs....
Just a couple of hours out trying to do my bit for the New Years weekend bird race; things started very well as a Peregrine vandrefalk flew over the garden as I left. Solberg was first stop and it was here the best bird turned up - a 2K Iceland Gull grønlandsmåke. Two Eurasian Curlew storspove and at least three, probably five White-tailed Eagle havørn also seen here.
A brief stop at Alvheim produced "only" a Kestrel tårnfalk as best bird and the only other bird of note was at least one Woodcock rugde at Hjelme.
A potentially interesting gull "got away" - a Herring Gull gråmåke with yellow legs seen in terribly poor photgraphs taken of the Iceland Gull. Lucky to get as much as that - the camera only powers up on one of three attempts, makes a series of grinding and clicking noises as it does so and the autofocus has stopped working altogether.....
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