Monday, December 17, 2012

Øygarden 17 December 2012 - Otters

Calm and mild - the thaw continues - even insects hatching today.

 The four pictures above were of an Otter than surfaced close to where I was sitting at Dåvøy.

 In this heavily cropped image one can see an Otter between tow White-tailed Eagles havørn

Three eagles squabbling over whatever they managed to grab from the Otter.

With excellent conditions there should have been more to see today. As it was the day was dominated by Otters - with two at Dåvøy and at least three at Solberg.

The local White-tailed Eagles havørn showed one of their tricks today - stealing food from Otters. Amazingly one of the Otters sat on the rocks between two eagles - neither of which made a move on it at all.

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