Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Oslo 09 December 2019 - The last in Norway

I somehow missed out on the massive Pine Grosbeak konglebit invasion in the Bergen area and managed not to locate any of the few that turned up in Øygarden. As I don't really travel to see birds outside of wherever I happen to be I am probably the last person, nevermind birder, in Norway to connect with these incredible birds.

They have been all over the media and gained interest from all over the place - birders from the UK and no doubt other places have been coming over to experience this influx of a very enigmatic species. For most birders, including myself, Pine Grosbeaks are synonymous with the wilds of the north and east of Scandinavia so to get up close and personal in a car park in the capital city was a brand new experience!

As they are so photogenic even on a dull winter's day I went completely over the top with the photography.....

Waxwings sidensvans, normally an over-photographed species, were also about but didn't get a look-in today.

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