Thursday, September 02, 2021

Hernar 02 September 2021 - A nice try

With so much strong northerly wind the last few days it was never going to be a great day on Hernar, but I am home and had the time so Hernar it was. So good to have the time for once:)

Right enough there was very little in the way of migrants but the island was full of birds, unfortunately mostly just the usual stuff. At least 40 Twite bergirisk along with Linnets tornirisk and Lesser Redpolls brunsisik were the most numerous species. Several Snipe enkeltbekkasin, singles of Sedge Warbler sivsanger and Whitethroat tornsanger and a selection of the usual autumn waders were seen. In a Hernar context the best birds were a Tree Sparrow pilfink and a Shelduck gravand.

A quick look at Tjeldstø gave a Spotted Redshank sotsnipe, three White-tailed Eagle havørn and a Sparrowhawk spurvehauk.

From the terrace best bird was a Peregrine vandrefalk but the best sighting was a bat hunting over the garden when I got up. 

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