Sunday, June 23, 2024

Halne 06-07 June 2024 - Hardangervidda light

Unfortunately this visit was just a stop along the way elsewhere.

Still quite a bit of snow and the lakes only about half open but still plenty to see.

During a half-hour evening stroll on 06 June the best birds were three very unexpected Great Snipe dobbeltbekkasin feeding close to the road. Several pairs of Fieldfare gråtrost were incubating. Otherwise little in the way of wildfowl (just a pair of Long-tailed Duck havelle on a roadside lake) and small numbers of the commoner waders.

The following morning I took a slightly longer walk before hitting the road again. Bluethroat blåstrupe, Rough-legged Buzzard fjellvåk,  another Great Snipe dobbeltbekkasin and Willow Grouse lirype  were among the sightings. 

Bluethroat blåstrupe

White Wagtal linerle

Willow Grouse lirype

Willow Warbler løvsanger with nesting material

The rest of the day was spent driving ever further east, only birds of note were a Black Woodpecker svartspett flying over the road and a flock of around 20 Cranes trane in a roadside field.

A stop at Akersvika, Hamar produced singing Wood Warbler bøksanger, good numbers of Canada Geese kanadagås, a Whooper Swan sangsvane, Garden Warbler hagesanger, a few Wigeon brunnakke and most of the usual suspects here

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