Thursday, July 11, 2024

Øygarden 17-23 June 2024 - Giving up again

Almost no birding as almost usual. Random glances from the terrace and a few short drive-bys on the way to and from the shops were pretty much all that I managed apart from a few hours out on  22 June and a day of guiding on 23 June.

On 17 June I was away on a work trip from 0500-2100 but had a White-tailed Eagle havørn, singing Lesser Whitethroat møller etc from the terrace whilst drinking my morning coffee.

The next day a very young Common Sandpiper strandsnipe running by the roadside at Alvheim made me slow down, the youngster quickly disappeared into the undergrowth but one of the accompanying adults stayed close allowing some photos from the car.

Anxious Common Sandpiper strandsnipe

On 21 June a drive to the shops gave the first Peregrine vandrefalk I've seen for a while along with the usual suspects.

Lapwing vipe at Kollsnes

The next day was Saturday so no work but having to catch up on everything else. I managed my usual round at Herdlevær picking up most of the usual species plus a Whimbrel småspove, Crested Tits toppmeis and more. Unfortunately having lost my notebook a couple of weeks later I no longer have the full species list.....

Similarly to a few days ago a pair of roadside Common Sandpiper strandsnipe were very anxious and obviousy had young nearby. I spent a little over 30 seconds taking some pictures before driving on. The point and pray did remarkably well:)

Common Sandpiper strandsnipe at Breivik - very similar to a couple of days ago.
These images were taken with my point and pray rather than my "proper" camera which I used on the Common Sand at Alvheim a few days previously.

On the way home I picked up a second year Great Northern Diver islom on the sea at Alvheim where a White-tailed Eagle havørn also flew over.

A day of guiding on 23 June saw me visit Herdla again along with some localities closer to Bergen. In a local context the best birds were a male Ruff brushane, a Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove and a good selection of other waders at Herdla. Quail vaktel, White-tailed Eagle havørn and many, many other species were seen here.

Adult Skylark sanglerke

Recently fledged Skylark sanglerke

Further inland highlights included White-tailed Eagle havørn, a family of Whinchat buskskvett, Sedge Warbler sivsanger and more.

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