Friday, September 13, 2024

Øygarden 14.08-18.08.2024 - Seawatching saves the week

 On 14 August I did my usual round at Herdlevær picking up the usual suspects including a couple of Dunlin myrsnipe and Ringed Plover sandlo on the rocks. A couple of Teal krikkand were also feeding on the shore.

Lesser Black-backed Gull sildemåke

Ringed Plover sandlo

Teal krikkand

Still some Wheatear steinskvett about

The adult Whooper sangsvane was still present on Husvatnet.

A drive-by at Kollsnes on 15 August produced only one of the young Stonechat svartstrupe of interest.

First year Stonechat svartstrupe

The only other birding was a seawatch at Skogsøy on 17 August in strong SW winds. I sat from 0700 to 1030.

Sooty Shearwater grålire S 26

Manx Shearwater havlire S 25

Fulmar havhest S 13

Otherwise just a single "commic" tern, a Common Scoter svartand, and small numbers of Gannets havsule, Common Gulls fiskemåke and Great Black-backed Gulls svartbak on the move.

The next day in much nicer conditions I did Herdlevær again and picked up a reasonable selection of waders including a flock of nine Turnstone steinvender, a Greenshank gluttsnipe and the usual. On the way home Tjeldstø proved slightly more productive with a Ruff brushane, a Spotted Redshank sotsnipe, a couple of Knot polarsnipe on one of the islands just out in the fjord, flyover Dunlin myrsnipe, a couple more Greenshank gluttsnipe, Common Sandpiper strandsnipe and some migrating Oystercatcher tjeld moving down the fjord.

Stonechat svartstrupe under better conditions:)