Saturday, September 21, 2024

Skogsøy 19 August 2024 - One last seawatch

 A pre work seawatch in brisk SW winds and in good company produced another decent number of shearwaters:) Quite a lot of waders moving too but frustratingly most went unidentified.

3.5 hours gave the following:

Manx Shearwater havlire 24 S, 1 N

Sooty Shearwater grålire S 4

Fulmar havhest S 2, N 1

Red-throated Diver smålom S 1

Common Gull fiskemåke S 163

Kittiwake krykkje S 1

Gannet havsule 26 S

Black-headed Gull hettemåke 1 S

Shelduck gravand 1 N

Gannet havsule 26 S

Several species of wader passed, but just the usual suspects.

Common Gull fiskemåke

Great Black-backed Gull svartbak

First year Kittiwake krykkje

Mixed flock of Ringed Plover sandlo and Dunlin myrsnipe

On the way home the Whooper Swan sangsvane was once again present on Husvatnet.

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