Saturday, October 19, 2024

Øygarden 24.09-30.09.2024 - High hopes

I was quite optimistic to be home in Øygarden during the last week of September. Work put a massive brake on things as usual, there were plenty of birds about but nothing mega.

A couple of hours out on 24.09 produced just a few late(ish) Ruff brushane at Brevik, some decent flocks of Starling stær, Chiff-chaffs gransanger, Blackcaps munk and the usual.

Two of the three Ruff brushane at Breivik

I found this Toad in a bucket on my terrace, no idea how it managed to climb in or how long it had been there but I set it free in the garden where I hope it will eat a few pests before it hibernates:)

The next day I did my usual round at Herdlevær where things were quiet until they weren't. I'd seen little of note until a Snow Bunting snøspurv turned up right in front of me. As soon as I started trying to take pictures a Merlin dvergfalk and a Grey Wagtail vintererle flew over simultaneously, closely followed by a Grey Plover tundralo. Back home to work where I had a Jay nøtteskrike flying over, a Grey Plover tundralo on the shore and a White-tailed Eagle havørn.

Grey Plover tundralo at Nautnes

Snow Bunting snøspurv at Herdlevær

On 26 September I spent the morning on Hernar - WAY too long since I last managed to get there. My first Yellow-browed Warbler gulbrynsanger of the autumn was the best bird. There was plenty to see with good numbers of Brambling bjørkefink (100+), Twite bergrisik (30++), a Water Rail vannrikse or two, most of the usual thrushes and finches, a couple of Grey Wagtail vintererle, several Reed Bunting sivspurv, a couple of Swallows låvesvale and plenty more. A great morning in great company with Bert de Bruin and Roald Hatten:)

After this I was not really out in any meaningful way.

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