Friday, January 03, 2025

Øygarden 02.01-03.01.2025 - Winter!!

Strong northerly winds and a lot of snow put something of a brake on things 02.01 but unsurprisingly a number of new species for the year - most of them from my kitchen window. I set my scope up inside and checked a few times for a few minutes during the course of the day - this resulted in Great Northern Diver islom, Curlew storspove, a Rock Pipit skjærpiplerke in the garden (rather than on the shore), a couple of Oystercatcher tjeld and some Kittiwake krykkje heading north. 

Away from the house I managed Woodcock rugde, Snipe enkeltbekkasin, a couple of Redwing rødvingetrost, a Common Gull fiskemåke, a few White-tailed Eagle havørn and the usual.

On 3rd January the weather was even worse, I had my car in for a service and work came back with a vengeance after the Christmas break. A Horned Grebe horndykker turned up off the terrace to save the day and a short trip out to pick my car up again produced a couple of Snipe enkeltbekkasin and a Brambling bjørkefink.

Slavonian Grebe / Horned Grebe horndykker at Nautnes

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