Saturday, April 18, 2015

Herdlevær 18 April 2015 - A good diver day

Strong northerly wind and sunny.

A very late and lazy check at Herdlevær gave more than 35 Red-throated Diver smålom in less than an hour. More passing Nautnes in the evening - looks like it was a good day for diver migration.

The first Willow Warbler løvsanger of the spring sang whilst feeding - bang on time for the first of the year.

In the afternoon I heard about Cranes trane on the move and may well have seen one of the three reported flying over Tjeldstø. However, it was a view from behind of a bird losing height over the reserve and I cannot be 100% sure. Win some  lose some its all the same to me as Lenny from Motorhead would say....

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