Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Øygarden June-July 2019 - Non-birding record

A new record for number of days without birding has been set. A record I have no wish to break.

No birding at all for weeks, I kept stopping beside Husvatnet for a while but even that faded away after a period. Many MB of data storage saved on my computer, and still plenty of unused pages in my notebook.....

Common Tern makrellterne (garden)

Young Meadow Pipit heipiplerke (garden)

Ringed Plover sandlo

Wryneck vendehals and Spotted Flycatcher gråfluesnapper seemed to settle in to territories but I had neither the time nor energy to follow-up.

Ringed Plover sandlo seem to be doing well this year with more pairs than usual and with a number of these with young on the go.

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