Saturday, August 17, 2024

Øygarden + 03.08-09.08.24 - Some birding time at last - Spotted Reds starting to show

On my return to the west of Norway I went straight into guiding mode and on 0308 visited Herdla.  At least 47 species here including 10 species of wader. At least 20 Ruff brushane, a Whimbrel småspove and most of the usual suspects.

One of the Greylags was neck ringed - UK3 - a bird that I have seen in Øygarden previously:

Passerines included a couple of Whinchat buskskvett, a Yellow Wagtail gulerle and a Pied Flycatcher svarthvit fluesnapper.

After Herdla we hit my old turf in the Haukeland/ Gullfjell area where we added a number of new species for the day including Common Buzzard musvåk, Spotted Flycatcher gråfluesnapper, Swift tårnseiler and Goldfinch stillits. The lower levels of Gullfjell produced among other things Kestrel tårnfalk, White-tailed Eagle havørn and Common Crossbill grankorsnebb. Not a bad day all in all:)

The next day I spent just over an hour seawatching at Skogsøy in NW winds but it was surprisingly disappointing and was similar to my previous visit there. Very little to report indeed. However, getting on with things back home was a lot more productive with a Spotted Redshank sotsnipe and a couple of Greenshank gluttsnipe flying over.

Monday 05.08 was spent working from home with just the first Dunnock jernspurv for some time and Greenshank gluttsnipe flying over of any note.

On Tuesday 06.08 I did my usual round at Herdlevær before work including half and hour looking out over the sea which produced several flocks of Oystercatcher tjeld heading  south along with a variety of other waders including a Knot polarsnipe and a couple of Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove. Nice views of an Otter feeding too:)

Otter at Herdlevær

A pre-work visit to Tjeldstø the following day gave the first Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk of the year, a single flock of 29 Snipe enkeltbekkasin and a variety of other well as two first year White-tailed Eagles havørn.

The first Mink I have seen for some time ran along the shore in front of my house, I really need to get that hunting license and a rifle:)

On 08.08 I once again left the reservation for another trip to Herdla, this time a rare birding trip rather than guiding. At least 600 Greylag grågås in the area with more heading south overhead. A new neck-ringed bird VP5 was present - as usual with such birds observations come from Holland, Germany and Denmark.

Other sightings here included a Little Stint dvergsnipe, a few Kestrel tårnfalk, a Peregrine vandrefalk, a few Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove, 95 Ringed Plover sandlo and 35 Ruff brushane.

The next day I didn't get out at all but had a Sparrowhawk spurvehauk in the garden and nice views of a Spotted Redshank sotsnipe at Tjeldstø during a trip to the shops.

The "new" housing estate they insisted on building may be the source of the plastic

First year Spotted Redshank sotsnipe at Husvatnet, Tjeldstø

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