Sunday, August 11, 2024

Øygarden 23.07-26.07.2024 - Otters again

 Yet more not birding but good results on a family fishing trip and the Otters performed well from the terrace again.

A walk at Løvstian in Bergen on 24.07 was very nice in glorious weather but not much in the way of birds. 

On 25 July a family walk at Tjeldstø produced an adult White-tailed Eagle havørn, a couple of Reed Bunting sivspurv (my first at this locality this year) and most of the usual suspects.

The following day the absolute highlight was watching the mother Otter with her young in the early morning rain together with my granddaughter. A Greenshank gluttsnipe also flew over the house and a couple of White-tailed Eagles havørn put in an appearance.

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