Sunday, August 04, 2024

Øygaren 10.07-14.07 2024 - Still home birding

 Yet another week of extremely little birding activity - this time more family than work related.

Still the usual selection of species from my terrace including breeding Common Sandpiper strandsnipe, Goldfinches stillits (how these are expanding into Øygarden!),  Common Terns makrellterne, Common Whitethroat tornsanger and so on. Small numbers of Common Crossbills grankorsnebb also becoming regular.

White-tailed Eagle havørn harder to see but a small number of adults still around - seen hunting gulls for the most part of late. Both Herring Gull gråmåke and Common Gull fiskmåke with recently fledged young now starting to disperse,

Common Gull fiskmåke chick getting ready to leave the area in which it hatched

The tern colony at Dåvøy seems to have done well with  good numbers of fledged young (at least for the Common Terns makrellterne  - I strongly suspect that the Arctic Terns rødnebbterne in the same place fared rather worse with still downy young disappearing in the course of a few days.

A day of guiding on 14.07 produced a reasonable variety of species including White-tailed Eagle havørn, Common Crossbill grankorsnebb, most of the usual waders, Stonechat svartstrupe and more.

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