The dog doesn't get too excited about White-bills....

grønnsisik in the garden
A superb day on all counts, with lovely weather and plenty of birds. Quality rather than quantity was the name of the game today with four fantastic summer plumaged White-billed Diver
gulnebblom heading north at close range. Another large diver passed by close but due to a number of mitigating circumstances could not be clinched - frustrating.
A few small flocks of Barnacle Geese
hvitkingås totalling over 120 may be the forerunner of things to come - perhaps they will pass in thier thoudands tomorrow....
Other stuff included 70 Red-throated Diver
smålom, a couple of Great Skua
storjo and the first Black Guillemot
teist for a while.
Back home at Tjeldstø a couple of Siskin
grønsisik were in the garden along with the chaffinches.