Rather wet but obviously stuff on the move. At Tjeldstø highlights were a Spotted Redshank sotsnipe and a Green Sandpiper skogsnipe. Other waders included 25 Golden Plover heilo, three Ruff brusfugl and 12+ Snipe enkeltbekkasin.
A party of five Whinchat buskskvett and several Wheatear steinskvett were probably newly arrived.
Oh yes, and the Carrion Crow svartkråke still about and still as forgettable as last time.
Very brief views of a first year Red-backed Shrike tornskate at Herdlevær - first this year in Øygarden.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hernar 26 August 2009 - GREENISH WARBLER!

Another superb day on Hernar. A frustrating start to the day when an interesting phylloscopus turned up almost as soon as I arrived but then promptly disappeared for the rest of the day - only to turn up just before the boat left. Typical.

The last set of views left no doubts and the bird was also very vocal at this time - it was a Greenish Warbler østsanger - and only about the fourth record for the county. Wicked!

There were few passerine migrants on the island, just small numbers of Willow Warblers løvsanger. Plenty of other stuff though with a fly over Temmincks stint temmincksnipe, a Goshawk hønsehauk, a Merlin dvergfalk and an assortment of waders on the move. A Whimbrel småspove fed with a small flock of Curlew storspove on the island.

Whimbrel småspove
The local Twite bergirisk and White-tailed Eagles havørn barely got a look today...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Herdlevær 25 August 2009

Above and below Dunlin myrsnipe

A fairly productive stroll concentrating on the northern part of Herdlevær. Typically for the time of year it was waders that provided most of the interest with a steady passage of small flocks just too far off to identify.
At least seven Common Sandpiper strandsnipe, two-three Greenshank gluttsnipe, a Green Sandpiper skogsnipe, Dunlin myrsnipe, Ringed Plover sandlo and a couple of Knot polarsnipe all fed in the area.
At least one Goshawk hønsehauk caused concern for the local gulls and crows. Passerines were rather thin on the ground but a flock of 25 Common Crossbill grankorsnebb flew over and at least one Whinchat buskskvett present.
Other stuff on the move included three Red-throated Diver smålom and several small flocks of Greylags grågås.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Øygarden 24 August 2009

Popped in at a few localities. Pretty much the usual suspects for the time of year: a Merlin dvergfalk and two Turnstone steinvender at "Hjelme Vest", a Swift tårnseiler at Hjelme, and a variety of waders including seven Knot polarsnipe and two White-tailed Eagle havørn at Solberg where an Otter was a nice bonus.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Skogsøy 22 August 2009

A steady stream of migrants but no surprises today, small numbers of various wader species including a Spotted Redshank sotsnipe and the first Sanderling sandløper and Ruddy Turnstone steinvender of the autumn.
A couple of Great Skua storjo and most of the usual suspects.
Back at Tjeldstø four Swift tårnseiler and a Sand Martin sandsvale headed south. A Black guillemot teist was joined by a rather unseasonal Great Northern Diver islom on the sea in front of my house.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tjeldstø 21 August 2009
Best birds during a stroll around the reserve were a couple of Swifts tårnseiler and a flock of over 100 Lesser Redpoll brunsisik. Very few waders about with just a few Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin and a couple of Golden Plover heilo.
Almost forgetable was a Carrion Crow svartkråke. The most uninspiring of rarities.
Almost forgetable was a Carrion Crow svartkråke. The most uninspiring of rarities.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Skogsøy 05 August 2009

Woodpigeon ringdue
Not the same spectacular migration as of a couple of days ago but still worth the effort. "Just" hundreds each of Oystercatcher tjeld and Common Gull fiskemåke along with 65 Ringed Plover sandlo, a couple of Grey Plover tundralo, a Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove, six Greenshank gluttsnipe, 14 Golden Plover heilo, 2 Common Redshank rødstilk and wader of the day - a Little Stint dvergsnipe.
The highlight was a Sandwich Tern splitterne heading south at just after 06:00 - the first "autumn" bird I've seen at Skogsøy.
Other stuff worth a mention included a Great Skua storjo, six Shelduck gravand and a Velvet Scoter sjøorre.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Øygarden 02 August 2009

Somewhat predicatbly started the day at Skogsøy at dawn. Three hours seawatching produced plenty of passage including well over 1000 each of Oystercatcher tjeld and Common Gull fiskemåke.
Other birds of interest included an Arctic Skua tyvjo, a Red-throated Diver smålom, six Shelduck gravand, two adult summer Grey Plover tundralo, six adult summer Red Knot polarsnipe, six Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove, nine Greenshank gluttsnipe, 25 Black-headed Gull hettemåke and plenty more besides.
A few hundred Greylags grågås were seen heading south both at Skogsøy and Tjeldstø
A Pegegrine vandrefalk came over chasing a racing pigeon.
At Tjeldstø a Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk fed beside Husvatnet in the afternoon where a probable sinensis Cormorant mellomskarv rested.
A walk around the reserve in the evening produced five Green Sandpiper skogsnipe, 11 Ruff brusfugl, four Greenshank gluttsnipe, 20+ Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin and another Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk.
Other birds of interest included an Arctic Skua tyvjo, a Red-throated Diver smålom, six Shelduck gravand, two adult summer Grey Plover tundralo, six adult summer Red Knot polarsnipe, six Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove, nine Greenshank gluttsnipe, 25 Black-headed Gull hettemåke and plenty more besides.
A few hundred Greylags grågås were seen heading south both at Skogsøy and Tjeldstø
A Pegegrine vandrefalk came over chasing a racing pigeon.
At Tjeldstø a Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk fed beside Husvatnet in the afternoon where a probable sinensis Cormorant mellomskarv rested.
A walk around the reserve in the evening produced five Green Sandpiper skogsnipe, 11 Ruff brusfugl, four Greenshank gluttsnipe, 20+ Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin and another Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk.
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