Somewhat predicatbly started the day at Skogsøy at dawn. Three hours seawatching produced plenty of passage including well over 1000 each of Oystercatcher tjeld and Common Gull fiskemåke.
Other birds of interest included an Arctic Skua tyvjo, a Red-throated Diver smålom, six Shelduck gravand, two adult summer Grey Plover tundralo, six adult summer Red Knot polarsnipe, six Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove, nine Greenshank gluttsnipe, 25 Black-headed Gull hettemåke and plenty more besides.
A few hundred Greylags grågås were seen heading south both at Skogsøy and Tjeldstø
A Pegegrine vandrefalk came over chasing a racing pigeon.
At Tjeldstø a Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk fed beside Husvatnet in the afternoon where a probable sinensis Cormorant mellomskarv rested.
A walk around the reserve in the evening produced five Green Sandpiper skogsnipe, 11 Ruff brusfugl, four Greenshank gluttsnipe, 20+ Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin and another Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk.
Other birds of interest included an Arctic Skua tyvjo, a Red-throated Diver smålom, six Shelduck gravand, two adult summer Grey Plover tundralo, six adult summer Red Knot polarsnipe, six Bar-tailed Godwit lappspove, nine Greenshank gluttsnipe, 25 Black-headed Gull hettemåke and plenty more besides.
A few hundred Greylags grågås were seen heading south both at Skogsøy and Tjeldstø
A Pegegrine vandrefalk came over chasing a racing pigeon.
At Tjeldstø a Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk fed beside Husvatnet in the afternoon where a probable sinensis Cormorant mellomskarv rested.
A walk around the reserve in the evening produced five Green Sandpiper skogsnipe, 11 Ruff brusfugl, four Greenshank gluttsnipe, 20+ Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin and another Wood Sandpiper grønnstilk.
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