Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Øygarden 30 October 2006
In between errands a brief trip to Sæle produced at least 9 Blackcap munk gording themselves on elderberries. During an equally short visit to Solberg I saw my first Woodcock rugde of the autumn, along with a few Northern Gannet havsule, 9 Long-tailed Duck havelle and a Curlew storspove - probably one of the birds that will attempt to overwinter.
Tjeldstø 29 October 2006
Plenty of thrushes moving through with a minimum of 1000 Fieldfare gråtrost seen. Other birds included a White-tailed Eagle havørn, a flock of 15 Teal krikkand and a Lapwing vipe.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Skogsøy 21 October - Little Auk
Calm, but rather dull weather with a light easterly breeze seemed to be ideal conditions for migration and a couple of hours spent seawatching was quite productive. Highlight today was without doubt the movement of over 400 Little Auk alkekonge, other birds of interest included a couple of White-billed Divers gulnebblom and a few Great Northerns islom. The supporting cast included several Black Guillemot teist, 65+ Red-throated Diver smålom, Peregrine vandrefalk and 80 Common Scoter svartand and small numbers of Velvet Scoter sjøorre and Long-tailed Duck havelle. Thousands of gulls, largely Herring Gull gråmåke and Grea-black backed Gull svartbak were moving south, also a couple of Blacked Headed Gull hettemåke and several Black-legged Kittiwake krykkje.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tjeldstø 20 October 2006
Highlight during a very brief walk was a Little Auk alkekonge that landed on one of the lakes just long enough to have its photo taken. Strange that it landed on freshwater when the fjords and sea are such a short distance away. This is the first freshwater record for Tjeldstø, although the species is common enough over the fjords.
Hundreds of Redwing rødvingtrost and other thrushes, bushes full of Goldcrest fuglekonge and several Balckcap munk also seen along with several Skylark sanglerke and a dozen or so Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Øygarden 19 October 2006

Dark-bellied Brents østlig ringgås at Breivik

Still frustratingly difficult finding time to get out and about - despite there obviously being plenty going on. With a garden full of Golcrests fuglekonge and Blackcap munk it isn't hard to imagine what must be going on along the coast.....Plenty of thrushes (mainly Redwing rødvingtrost but also Blackbird svarttrost, Fieldfare gråtrost and Song Thrush måltrost) also on the move.
A breif trip out produced a couple of Dark-bellied Brent Geese østlig ringgås at Breivik, together with a single Greylag grågås.
At Herdlevær at least 400 Starling stær, more Blackcap munk, Redwing rødvingtrost and other migrants. Best bird here was a Peregrine vandrefalk chasing a flock of Woodpigeon ringdue.

One of the hundreds of Starling stær at Herdlevær today
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Herdlevær 14 October 2006
An hour or so at Herdlevær was generally quiet but there were plenty of birds in some areas, over 40 Brambling bjørkefink fed in the pines and in the rowan bushes. At least six Blackcap munk and 10 Song Thrush måltrost joined the Bramblings and Redwings rødvingtrost in this feast. One Skylark sanglerke flew over, as did an adult White-tailed Eagle havørn.
Tjeldstø 08 October 2006
A brief look around the reserve porduced very little of interest. A Carrion Crow svartkråke, a local semi-rarity was hard to get excited about. A couple of Barn Swallow låvsvale were the only other birds worth mentioning.
Autumn 2006: While I've been away
There has been little coverage in Øygarden during the autumn and hence few reports, but there have been good birds seen in the area. The following records come from Fugler i Hordaland and private e-mails.
Highlight was the "county's" first Black Kite svartglente at Skogsøy on 17 September. Plenty of other birds were also on the move at Skogsøy the same day, including Curlew Sandpipers tundrasnipe and Little Stint dvergsnipe
Also a Sooty Shearwater grålire, also at Skogsøy on 27 September.
A number of Yellow-browed Warbler gulbrynsanger have also reported including one at Herdelvær on 01 October. Others have been seen at Sæle and a Red-throated Pipit lapppiplerke was reported from Sæle
Highlight was the "county's" first Black Kite svartglente at Skogsøy on 17 September. Plenty of other birds were also on the move at Skogsøy the same day, including Curlew Sandpipers tundrasnipe and Little Stint dvergsnipe
Also a Sooty Shearwater grålire, also at Skogsøy on 27 September.
A number of Yellow-browed Warbler gulbrynsanger have also reported including one at Herdelvær on 01 October. Others have been seen at Sæle and a Red-throated Pipit lapppiplerke was reported from Sæle
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