A look around the reserve was quite productive with a fly over Waxwing sidensvans being the best bird, with excellent views of a male Merlin dvergfalk competing for first place. Other birds of prey included White-tailed Eagle havørn scaring up the geese and a male Peregrine vandrefalk which caused blind panic in one of the gull colonies.
Plenty of small stuff to see too with singing Reed Bunting sivspurv and Chiff-chaff gransanger both setting up territories in the reserve. Most of the breeding waders have now returned including several Redshank rødstilk. A few Golden Plover heilo also rested out in the reserve.
Male Pied Wagtails svartryggerle still obvious around Husvatnet and the farm building.
News from yesterday included a couple of Black-headed Gull hettemåke and a Barnacle Goose hvitkingås beside Husvatnet.
An evening stroll produced the first Barn Swallows låvsvale and House Martins taksvale of the year with three of each feeding over the lakes and woods. A Northern Wheatear steinskvett also showed in the reserve and the 2 cy Iceland Gull grønlandsmåke turned up on Husvatnet.