Part of a flock of Barnacle Geese


White-tailed Eagle
It was positively crowded at the lookout today with a massive four birders hoping for some diver migration - something that failed to materialise for some reason. Fog further south and southerly winds meant that conditions were never going to be ideal...
A mere 20 Red-throated Diver smålom passed, along with small numbers of all five auk species (getting late for Little Auk alkekonge), over 30 Velvet Scoter sjørre, some Tufted Duck toppand and the usual southbound movement of Shags toppskarv.
The best bird of the day (and a new species at Skogsøy for me) was a male Gargany knekkand along with a probable female heading north with a small flock of Teal krikkand. Other highlights included a flock of 25 Barnacle Geese hvitkingås, a few Sand Martin sandsvale, a Peregrine vandrefalk and several Whimbrel småspove.
There was no sign of the recently reported Stonechat svartstrupe pair near Kollsnes.
The first House Martin taksvale for Tjeldstø this year turned up in the evening along with a few more Sand Martin sandsvale. Another new species to arrive was a Sedge Warbler sivsanger - singing at the usual spot near Breivik.