Almost identical weather to the previous visit but very different birdwise. Very few waders passing, very little of anything in fact with just four Great Skua storjo and the first two southbound Red-throated Diver smålom.
However, all was not lost, the woods seemed to be full of Two-barred Crossbill båndkorsnebb, although I only ever saw five simultaneously. Plenty of Common Crossbill grankorsnebb too, though the two species tended to keep to themselves. Very difficult to photograph and with the baking heat I just took a few record shots, gave up and went home.
The male Red-backed Shrike tornskate was seen briefly on a drive-by past Herdlevær.
An unusual Starling stær on the wires outside my house made me look twice but it was just an abnormally pale bird....
A Starling stær trying to be something more exciting and almost getting there....