Pied Flycatcher svarthvitfluesnapper
An excellent day will well over 1200 birds heading south - largely waders. Oystercatcher tjeld were in the majority with Ringed Plover sandlo and Dunlin myrsnipe in second and third place. Other waders included at least 39 Sanderling sandløper and 14 Red Knot polarsnipe. Needless to say many waders went unidentified.
The first Velvet Scoter sjøorre for some time headed south and did a few small flocks of Common Scoter svartand.
For recent times there were quite a few terns (ca 90) heading south including several Common Tern makrellterne which have been more or less absent all year.
Raptors were very much in evidence too with a young White-tailed Eagle havørn (colour ringed), a Peregrine vandrefalk, a Merlin dvergfalk and a couple of Kestrel tårnfalk.
At Herdlevær there was eveidence of migration too with a couple of Spotted Flycatcher gråfluesnapper, a Pied Flycatcher svarthvitfluesnapper and a Whinchat buskskvett of note.
A Spotted Redshank sotsnipe flew south over Tjeldstø in the evening