Rather murky with light rain to start with, clearing later
Highlight of today's trip was without doubt at least two, possibly four Common Rosefinches
rosenfink. All seemed to be second year males which sang throughout the morning. The only other migrant was a Spotted Flycatcher
Other visiting birds included a couple of Black-headed Gulls
hettemåke, a Golden Plover
heilo and a Red-throated Diver
Newly fledged Wheatear steinskvett
Sedge Warbler sivsanger
Lesser Redpoll brunsisik
2cy male Common Rosefinch rosenfink
Common Rosefinch rosenfink
Common Rosefinch rosenfink |
Plenty of activity among the local breeders with Twite bergirisk, Sedge Warbler sivsanger and Lesser Redpoll brunsisik very obvious. Newly fledged Wheatear steinskvett were the first of the year - possibly a little early out of the nest....