The head and beak shape along with the bigger feet are good ID clues
Eurasian Teal krikkand "hitching a ride" among a flock of Cormorant
Good birds included three Great Northern Diver islom heading north, including an adult still in breeding plumage. Several Red-throated Diver smålom and a single Black-throated Diver storlom (uncommon out here at the coast).
Fifteen Barnacle Geese hvitkingås joined a migrating flock of Cormorant whilst a pale-bellied Brent Goose ringgås decided to go it alone. A single Black Guillemot teist was the first for a while.
Pick of the passerines was a Nuthatch spettmeis - a Skogsøy first for me! Thus continuing the trend of "unusual" woodland birds currenlty on the move, Willow tits granmeis and a Great Spotted Woodpecker flaggspett were also seen. More conventioanally interesting species included Grey Wagtail vinterle, a small flock of Twite bergerisk (a species becoming rarer and rarer each year....) and some small flocks of Common Crossbill grankorsnebb.
Back at Tjeldstø five Jay nøtteskrike headed over the house....along with the much more usual White-tailed Eagle havørn.
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