A late and lazy start at Dåvøy seemed to work well with a Slavonian Grebe horndykker on the sea as the best bird and a male Wigeon brunnakke as runner up. The usual roost of over 30 Grey Herons gråhegre, an Oystercatcher tjeld, a Black Guillemot teist and a flock of over 30 Siskin grønnsisik along with most of the regular stuff.
Next stop was Heggøy where an adult Black-throated Diver storlom gave good views - never a common species at the best of times this was a most unusual winter observation. At the same place a Cormorant storskarv struggled with a cod head - first time I've seen this species scavenging like this - normally they catch stuff that is still very much alive.
Back at home a Black-headed Gull hettemåke was an unusual winter sighting and another first for the year.
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