Almost a record shot of the extremely shy Stock Dove skogdue at Sture

An excellent day out. Rather foggy to start with but no wind and no rain and an obvious arrival of migrants meant that expectations were kept high.
Plenty of new stuff in today with the highlight being a Stock Dove skogdue at Sture.
Tjeldstø produced at least six Woodpigeon ringdue, three Teal krikkand, 26 Lapwing vipe, a Snipe enkeltbekkasin and plenty more including a Goshawk hønsehauk.
Blackbird svarttrost were seen in large numbers both a Tjeldstø and Sture where there were also a couple of Song Thrush måltrost - another new for Øygarden this year.
150 Purple Sandpiper fjæreplytt at Hjelme Vest which was otherwise quiet and another 50 or so seen at Tjeldstø.
A heavily oiled Gannet havsule sat out on the rocks at Hjelme Vest - a sign that something has happened offshore?
Plenty of new stuff in today with the highlight being a Stock Dove skogdue at Sture.
Tjeldstø produced at least six Woodpigeon ringdue, three Teal krikkand, 26 Lapwing vipe, a Snipe enkeltbekkasin and plenty more including a Goshawk hønsehauk.
Blackbird svarttrost were seen in large numbers both a Tjeldstø and Sture where there were also a couple of Song Thrush måltrost - another new for Øygarden this year.
150 Purple Sandpiper fjæreplytt at Hjelme Vest which was otherwise quiet and another 50 or so seen at Tjeldstø.
A heavily oiled Gannet havsule sat out on the rocks at Hjelme Vest - a sign that something has happened offshore?
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