A rather dark Herring gull gråmåke that also looked dark rumped. Yet another to check out when time permits...

A walk around the reserve at Tjeldstø produced a male Merlin dvergfalk hunting in the reserve, a pair of Wheatear steinskvett and some good numbers of thrushes including a flock of over 100 Filefare gråtrost. A Mistle Thrush duetrost and small numbers of Redwing rødvingetrost were also seen.
Two adult White-tailed Eagle havørn and most of the usual suspects also present.
Solberg was relatively quiet with a White-tailed Eagle havørn , a flock of Long-tailed Duck havelle and several Gannets havsule along with the usual gulls and Cormorants storskarv.
Elsewhere a driveby at Breivik produced another Mistle Thrush duetrost.
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