Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hernar 27 May 2010 - Corncrake and Rosefinch!

Female Common Rosefinch rosenfink - typically located just as the boat was leaving...
One of three singing Sedge Warbler sivsanger on the island

Fieldfare gråtrost obviously feeding hungry babies

An excellent morning on Hernar - really didn't want to get that boat back today.

Best bird was a "singing" Corncrake åkerrikse - a long awaited bird for me in Øygarden. It sang on and off for much of the morning. Almost as good was a female Common Rosefinch rosenfink that turned up moments before the boat left.

Otherwise it was a case of quality rather than quantity - although the noise from three singing Sedge Warbler sivsanger and a couple of Common Whitethroat tornsanger made up for the lack of numbers.

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