Monday, September 13, 2010

Solberg 13 September 2010

White-tailed Eagle havørn
Two Peregrines vandrefalk with two Ravens ravn

Quite a productive hour at Solberg with highlights being a pair of Peregrine vandrefalk playing with Ravens ravn, harassing gulls and generally just mucking about.
A Lapland Bunting lappspurv flew over, three Great Skua storjo flew south and other stuff included a Red-throated Diver smålom, a selection of waders, a few Twite bergirisk and a White-tailed Eagle havørn.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Herdlevær 12 September 2010 - Brents

Ruff brushane at Tjeldstø in the evening
Southbound Brent Geese ringgås

A few hours spent at Herdlevær proved quite productive. Seawatching for 1.5 hours resulted in 118 Brent geese ringgås and 22 Red-throated Diver smålom heading south along with most of the usual suspects.

Waders included six Knot polarsnipe, five Ringed Plover sandlo, two Dunlin myrsnipe, Grey Plover tundralo and Greenshank gluttsnipe. A Peregrine vandrefalk hunted waders both out to sea and along the shore.

At least two Lapland Bunting lappspurv, a couple of Spotted Flycatcher gråfluesnapper, a Pied lycatcher svarthvit fluesnapper and a Common Redstart rødstjert were the best of the passerines.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Øygarden 11 September 2010

Rain on and off all day.
The only birds of note were a Yellow Wagtail gulerle and a Common Redstart rødstjert at Herdlevær.

Øygarden 10 September

Lapland Longspur lappspurv
Golden Plover heilo

A couple of hours out and about in the afternoon produced the first Lapland Longspur lappspurv of the autumn at Breivik and a Yellow Wagtail gulerle at Herdlevær.

At Tjeldstø there were over 30 Golden Plover heilo and a Kestrel tårnfalk.