Still large (record?) numbers of Waxwing sidensvans about with flocks "everywhere". This is the peak time to see this species in Øygarden but normally it is migrating birds that are seen. This year the flocks have stopped to feed on whatever berries they can find - often juniper. Today they were also feeding on insects. Today 150 were at Oen and 300 at Tjeldstø.
At Herldevær the best sightings were a Red-throated Diver smålom on the sea, a Lapwing vipe and two Black-headed Gulls hettemåke.
The Barncale Goose hvitkinngås remains with Greylags grågås at Breivik.
The wet weather has meant that Mallard stokkand numbers are high at Tjeldstø with approximately 90 birds present. Good numbers of Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin and Fieldfare gråtrost too.
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