Thursday, May 15, 2014

Skogsøy 14 May 2014 - Almost disappointing

Strong NNW winds and sunny.

Spent several hours seawatching under what should have been ideal conditions for skuas and divers. There were precious few of either - just four Arctic Skua tyvjo, singles of White-billed Diver gulnebblom and Great Northern Diver islom and only 7 Red-throated Diver smålom.

Two Arctic Skua tyvjo heading north

One of many small flocks of Long-tailed Duck havelle

Just about record shot of the only White-billed Diver gulnebblom seen today

However, all was not lost as there was some reaosnable passage of other species including the first Dunlin myrsnipe and Knot polarsnipe of the year. Around 140 Long-tailed Duck havelle, decent numbers of terns and, in the context of recent times also a decent passage of auks - including a late Little Auk alkekonge.

A second year Great Northern Diver islom was seen heading north. Initially identified (with little hesitation) in the field as a Black.throated diver storlom this bird looks like an obvious Great Northern from photos. It seemed small, with rapid wingbeats in the scope but the wedge on the neck, the size of the bill and then evenly wide neck all point towards Great Northern.

Above: second year Great Northern Diver islom

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