Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Nautnes 07-08 March 2016 - Northern Lights and a new patch tick

Top two - point and pray camera

Next three "proper" camera with 150mm lens (smallest I've got)

Birds work better than lights - Purple Sandpiper fjæreplytt

I singularly failed to capture the northern lights which continued into the early hours of the morning - a landscape lens might have helped but I think it was largely general ineptness that meant I didn't get anything more out of the spectacular show.

A brief breath of fresh air in the morning resulted in a new species for Nautnes. Goodness only knows how one of the commonest waders in Øygarden hasn't been recorded here before - but a single Purple Sandpiper fjæreplytt sat on the rocks in front of the house.

Merganser siland taken from the terrace

On the 8th I returned as the light was going to see little other than an Oystercatcher tjeld and a several Mergansers siland.

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