Sunday, October 06, 2024

Øygarden 31.08-03.09.2024 - Back to normal

On my return from Falsterbo it was straight into a couple of days of guiding.

An afternoon on Herdla on 31 August gave most of the usual suspects. Highlights were a couple of Black-tailed Godwit svarthalespove and at least two Curlew Sandpiper tundrasnipe. Surprise bird was a Whooper Swan sangsvane - no doubt the same bird that has frequented Tjeldstø recently.

Good numbers and a nice variety of other waders were seen including a couple each of Knot polarsnipe and Turnstone steinvender

Dunlin myrsnipe

Two Knot polarsnipe and a Dunlin myrsnipe

Mixed flock of waders including two Curlew Sandpipers tundrasnipe, two Knot polarsnipe, Ruff brushane and Dunlin myrsnipe

The next day was a full day out in Øygarden and we kicked off from my terrace with Grey-headed Woodpecker gråspett calling. A walk at Herdlevær produced significantly more species than at Herdla the previous day with the best bird being a Merlin dvergfalk. During the day a noticeable passage of Greylags grågås heading south. Passerines of note included a Stonechat svartstrupe, Whinchat buskskvett and Common Crossbills grankorsnebb. Best bird of the day in a local context was a Black-throated Diver storlom on the sea at Tjeldstø. A few White-tailed Eagle havørn  and a good variety of early autumn migrants were also seen.

On 02 September the Grey-headed Woodpecker gråspett once again made its presence known from the terrace and an early Grey Wagtail vinterle fed on the shore in front of my house. Also from my terrace an Otter put in an appearance. 

Sunset from the terrace

Early morning view from the terrace

A large spider living on my terrace

The next day was spent preparing for an offshore trip with little time in the field. Best birds were a Kestrel tårnfalk at Husvatnet and a few Wigeon brunnakke at Kollsnes.

Kestrel tårnfalk at Husvatnet 03 September

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