Fantastic weather. Best birds were a couple of flocks of Bohemian Waxwings sidensvans, one at Tjeldstø, the other at Nautnes - now is the peak time for seeing this enigmatic species in Øygarden.
Other birds included a couple of Great Northern Diver islom heading north at "Hjelme West" where there was also a Red-throated Diver smålom on the sea, a few Little Auk alkekonge, Black Guillemot teist and most of the usual including a juvenile White tailed Eagle havørn.
A flying visit to Herdlevær produced a Chiff-chaff gransanger, 40+ Brambling bjørkefink and 20+ Siskin grønnsisik along with a few Skylark sanglerke and an adult White-tailed Eagle havørn.
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