Spent the afternoon out in a small boat attemtping to catch oiled birds without success. Numbers of oiled seaduck seemed down on earlier in the week, although it was not possible to access the worst affected areas in Øygarden due to the weather.

Under other circumastances this would have been a wonderful day out with close up views of many species including Little Auk alkekonge. White-tailed Eagles havørn were, as usual, everywhere with a minimum of six seen - a couple of which scared up a male Black Grouse orrfugl from one of the offshore islands.

A couple of Eurasian Curlew storspove seen along with most of the usual Øygarden species.
At the bird feeder a male Blackcap munk was something of a surprise and was the first January record for my garden. At least three Brambling bjørkefink still present along with an ever growing flock of Chaffinch bokfink.

Male Blackcap munk - picture taken through a far from clean sitting room window
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