I was again unable to participate directly in the rescue of oiled birds but managed to get out and assess the situation locally. Things were much the same as the last few days, it does not seem as if more birds south of the area initially hit are being affected. However, a number of oiled birds seen.
Other birds of note inlcuded an Iceland Gull grønlandsmåke at Solberg, a Glaucous Gull polarmåke was reported from Tjeldstø where I also had the first Oystercatcher tjeld of the year - no doubt one of the few overwintering birds in Øygarden.
The male Blackcap munk was still in the garden, a few Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin, several Purple Sandpiper fjæreplytt, at least four White-tailed Eagles havørn and a small flock of Redwings rødvingtrost together with some Fieldfare gråtrost. The colder weather seems to have brought in some more Whooper Swans sangsvane with eight present on Husvatnet - still a low number.
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