The warm weather continues. South easterly winds produced less migrants than hoped for but there was still stuff to see. At Herdlevær two Kestrels tårnfalk mobbed a Peregrine vandrefalk and there was an obvious passage of waders - albeit too far off to identify.
A Common Sandpiper strandsnipe fed around the "harbour" area but there were few passerines of interest, just some Song Thrush måltrost, Redwing rødvingtrost and Fieldfare gråtrost passing through.
At Sæle there were at least two Blackcap munk, a Garden Warbler hagesanger and a Spotted Flycatcher gråfluesnapper in the hedgerows and a Great spotted Woodpecker flaggspett was also probably a "migrant".
Two Peregrines vandrefalk hunting migrating Common gulls fiskemåke were seen at Hellesøy along with an adult White-tailed Eagle havørn.
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