Started the day at Breivik where a flock of about 50 Golden Plover heilo fed with over 30 Ruff brushane and a Curlew storspove. The fields were also full of passerines including a couple of Common Redstart rødstjert, several Wheatear steinskvett, a Skylark sanglerke and a Reed Bunting sivspurv.
Herdlevær was full of stuff and it was impossible to identifiy everything. Best birds here were a small flock of Two-barred Crossbill båndkorsnebb, a Spotted Flycatcher gråfluesnapper, a Pied Flycatcher svarthvit fluesnapper, a female Blackcap munk and several Willow Warbler løvsanger. A couple of Great spotted Woodpecker flagspett and another Reed Bunting sivspurv also at Herdlevær.
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