#1. Lacking olive green tones, paler cream underparts with little (and not very smudged) streaking

Rock pipit
skjærpiplerke#2. Almost solid colouration on the breast but clean off white bely and undersides (shown better in other pictures)

Rock pipit
skjærpiplerke#3. Check out the underpaert colouration and the very gret lesser coverts....

The one that got away (from me) - a Peregrine
vandrefalk that took a crow in the reserve

....and the one that didn't get away....head of a crow
kråke neatly cut off the body which lay nearby. Killed by the falcon pictured above.
Mild, wet, windy and dull weather wise. A short look at Tjeldstø once again proved quite productive with a flock of six Goldfinch stillits as technically the best birds. However, they were quite flighty in the windy conditions.
Missed the photographic chance of a lifetime when I stumbled over a Peregrine vandrefalk eating a freshly killed Hooded Crow kråke at VERY close range. Frustrating.
The wintering Rock Pipits skjæårpiplerke are back, these seem to differ from the more typical olive-grey ones normally seen along the shorelines of Øygarden. Extremely hard to get close to and difficult to view or photograph in dull conditions. Just wish I knew where they went when it is sunny....
Other birds included a Meadow Pipit heipiplerke and the first thrushes for a few days in the form of three Redwing rødvingetrost and a Fieldfare gråtrost.
A couple of Woodcock rugde were flushed at Hjelme.