Sunday, August 31, 2014

Nautnes 31 August 2014 - Day of the Wrynecks

Light southerly winds, warm and sunny.

I had pretty much written the day off after some late night work stuff. However, a walk at Tjeldstø produced a surprise Wryneck vendehals (despite having thought of exactly where I had today's bird whilst watching the bird at Herdlevær yesterday).

Back home a couple of hours on the terrace proved well worth it. First off another Wryneck vendehals sang close by - yet another new species for the house. After hearing about yesterday's raptor bonanza at Tjeldstø it was no surprise to see at least six Kestrel tårnfalk and five Sparrowhawk spurvehauk heading south. Several Swifts tårnseiler, a Sand Martin sandsvale, Greenshank gluttsnipe and a decent mix of other species meant that being stuck at home wasn't so bad after all......

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