Thursday, August 21, 2014

Oslo 20 August 2014 - Twitching?

Most people who know me know I don't twitch. Ever.

So is this twitching or not?:
Whilst sitting at Bergen airport waiting for a plane to Oslo I heard about the first Pallas's Gull steppemåke for Norway turning up only a few hundred metres from where I was headed. There was never any real dilemma - I'm not daft enough to walk right past such a bird just to prove a point.

First year Pallas's Gull steppemåke, Oslo opera house

And as rarities in the east of Norway, especially slap bang in the middle of Oslo are not exactly thick on the ground I had no choice but to take a fifteen minute diversion to see this cracking bird - the first I've seen since I was off Israel a few years back.....

Accidentally picked up Caspian Gull kaspimåke at the same time. Makes leaving Øygarden a little easier.

Not twitching - honest!


Oli said...

Hi Jules,

I've just landed in Oslo and heard that a Pallas's Gull is around. I don't know Olso at all (first time visit). Is it easy to get to the gull from the city centre? I'm staying right near the main train station?
Could you possibly point me in the right direction?
Would love to see the gull!

Kind regards,

Oli said...

Hi Jules,

I've just landed in Oslo and heard that a Pallas's Gull is around. I don't know Olso at all (first time visit). Is it easy to get to the gull from the city centre? I'm staying right near the main train station?
Could you possibly point me in the right direction?
Would love to see the gull!

Kind regards,

Jules said...

It was right in the middle of Oslo - down by the Opera House (only a couple of hundred metres from the train station). Although it hasn't been seen for a few days it might still be worth a try.....