Saturday, January 14, 2017

Øygarden 14 January 2017 - More new birds (and otters!)

Northerly winds with snow showers today. The sun did come out briefly a few times though.

Birds of the day were two Snow Bunting snøspurv that flew over the house whilst I was trying to decide where to take the dog out.

Slavonian Grebe horndykker - the original image

Obscenely cropped version of above - it really is a Slav Grebe!

We went to Dåvøy where I added Common Snipe enkeltbekkasin and Slavonian (should be calling it Horned really) Grebe horndykker to the Øygarden year list. The Heron gråhegre roost here was an amazing 50 birds today! Otherwise fairly quiet on the sea.

A couple of Otters put in an appearance and I shot some video with my "point and pray". Turned out OK.

Otter feeding on the shore in the snow

Some shots taken with my grown-up camera:

and a random one from the superzoom:

Finally a rare shot of me in the field. And proof that the sun was out!

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