Sunday, March 09, 2025

Øygarden 02.03-04.03.2025 - Home briefly

 On 02 March I managed my usual round at Herdlevær. Some signs of spring with Oystarcatcher tjeld, Starling stær now back. A flock of 20 Purple Sandpiper fjæreplytt , White-tailed Eagles havørn and the usual also seen. 

Best bird was a female Stonechat svartstrupe at Kollsnes - a bird that turned up whilst I was away.

A quick look at Hjelme in the afternoon produced the first local Jay nøtteskrike of the year along with a flocks of Fieldfare gråtrost, Brambling bjørkefink, Chaffinch bokfink and Starling stær.

Spring is well on the way, Crocuses at Herdlevær

Siskin grønnsisik have been common "all winter" but have suddenly started visiting my feeder.

Female Stonechat svartstrupe at Kollsnes

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