Work continues to be as relentless as ever, gone it seems are the days of a few hours out midweek:(
Nevertheless this is Øygarden and my home office can produce as does a trip to the shops. I was out each morning briefly before work (thank goodness the days are significantly lighter now!).
I returned home on the afternoon of 18.03 and a grocery run gave several Lapwing vipe at Breivik.
On 19.03 a Grey-headed Woodpecker gråspett, a nice flock of Teal krikkand and just being outside listening to displaying Lapwing vipe and Oystercatcher tjeld meant that half an hour at Tjeldstø were absolutely worth it. After work I managed a couple of drive-bys and caught up with two Rook kornkråke and two Jackdaw kaie at Breivik.
Up to three Otters and three White-tailed Eagles havørn provided entertainment even when I was stuck at home:)
On 20.03 I checked Hjelme briefly before work, turning up a nice White-tailed Eagle havørn, a pair of Bullfinch dompap, singing Chaffinches bokfink, a couple of Great-spotted Woodpecker flaggspett, Common Crossbills grankorsnebb and more.
From the terrace a few Teal krikkand, a couple of White-tailed Eagle havørn, two Rock Pipit skjærpiplerke, a couple of Gannet havsule and plenty more besides kept interest levels up.
After work I did a quick walk at Breivk which produced a Rook kornkråke, 120 Starling stær, a few Snipe enkeltbakkasin and several Lapwing vipe among other things.
A pre-work check at Tjeldstø on 21.03 gave more views of the Grey-headed Woodpecker gråspett. A Little Grebe dvergdykker at Dåveøy and a male Stonechat svartstrupe at Kollsnes were among the other sightings.
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