Sunday, March 23, 2025

Øygarden 18-21.03.2025 - Back in the game

 Work continues to be as relentless as ever, gone it seems are the days of a few hours out midweek:(

Nevertheless this is Øygarden and my home office can produce as does a trip to the shops. I was out each morning briefly before work (thank goodness the days are significantly lighter now!).

I returned home on the afternoon of 18.03 and a grocery run gave several Lapwing vipe at Breivik.

Lapwing vipe at Breivik

On 19.03 a Grey-headed Woodpecker gråspett, a nice flock of Teal krikkand and just being outside listening to displaying Lapwing vipe and Oystercatcher tjeld meant that half an hour at Tjeldstø were absolutely worth it. After work I managed a couple of drive-bys and caught up with two Rook kornkråke and two Jackdaw kaie at Breivik. 

The last two winters have been used to remove the sitka plantation in the middle of the reserve at Tjeldstø. This will undoubtedly benefit waders and wildfowl in the area.

More trees have disappeared at Husvatnet too - as has the bird hide bus stop which vanished during some work on the footpath. This is a shame as this bus stop / hide was better than the one beside Rotevatnet

Teal krikkand at Tjeldstø

Rook kornkråke with two Jackdaw kaie at Breivik

Robin rødstrupe at Dåvey

Lapwing vipe at Kollnes

Jackdaws kaie at Breivik

Up to three Otters and three White-tailed Eagles havørn provided entertainment even when I was stuck at home:)

On 20.03 I checked Hjelme briefly before work, turning up a nice White-tailed Eagle havørn, a pair of Bullfinch dompap, singing Chaffinches bokfink, a couple of Great-spotted Woodpecker flaggspett, Common Crossbills grankorsnebb and more.

Bullfinches dompap 

Although I do like my point and pray it is somewhat slower than the DSLR at getting going. This could have been a good picture if the camera was quicker at starting up.

From the terrace a few Teal krikkand, a couple of White-tailed Eagle havørn, two Rock Pipit skjærpiplerke, a couple of Gannet havsule and plenty more besides kept interest levels up.

After work I did a quick walk at Breivk which produced a Rook kornkråke, 120 Starling stær, a few Snipe enkeltbakkasin and several Lapwing vipe among other things.

A pre-work check at Tjeldstø on 21.03 gave more views of the Grey-headed Woodpecker gråspett. A Little Grebe dvergdykker at Dåveøy and a male Stonechat svartstrupe at Kollsnes were among the other sightings.

Little Grebe dvergdykker

Male Stonechat svartstrupe

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