Skogsøy was generally quiet with few birds passing, however, these included two White-billed Divers gulnebblom, a flock of five Northern Pintail stjertand and the first Common Swift tårnseiler of the year. At least one Tree Pipit trepiplerke also came in off the sea
The supporting cast included Sand Martin sandsvale (not a common bird out at the observation point), a light passage (south!) of largely sub-adult Black-headed Gulls hettemåke, Whimbrel småspove, Arctic Skua tyvjo and a Kestrel tårnfalk flying in off the sea.
At least 99 species have been recorded at Skogsøy thus far in 2006.
Elsewhere in Øygarden the first Cuckoo gjøk was heard calling and more Common Whitethroat tornsanger were reported.
The supporting cast included Sand Martin sandsvale (not a common bird out at the observation point), a light passage (south!) of largely sub-adult Black-headed Gulls hettemåke, Whimbrel småspove, Arctic Skua tyvjo and a Kestrel tårnfalk flying in off the sea.
At least 99 species have been recorded at Skogsøy thus far in 2006.
Elsewhere in Øygarden the first Cuckoo gjøk was heard calling and more Common Whitethroat tornsanger were reported.

Cuckoo gjøk
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