Tug of war between two Great Black-backed gulls svartbak
(click for larger image)
Great Skua storjo on the attack
One of the very many Eiders ærfugl seen today
White wagtail linerle at Tjeldstø
Arctic Tern rødnebbterne
Lesser Whitethroat møller
Star bird today was a first year Little Gull dvergmåke that turned up in front of the house - a new species for Tjeldstø and for my garden list. It remained resolutely out of range and all I managed were some heavily cropped record shots....
The Lesser Whitethroat møller also remains in my garden, although this too is frustratingly difficult to photograph.
Other news from the last few days included at least 40 Guillemots lomvi on the sea (fjord) yesterday which is something of an unusual occurrence and several still remained today.
A / the Spotted Redshank sotsnipe was last seen on 05 September together with several Ruff brushane.