Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hernar 23 May 2024 - Singing Common Rosefinch

Yet another calm, sunny and very hot day.

I spent the morning on Hernar which was full of activity - unfortunately many small birds remained unidentified as they disappeared into bushes or simply flew off and there was little in the way of overhead migration.

Pretty much the first thing I heard on arrival was the song of Common Rosefinch rosenfink - "pleased to meet you" was a nice welcome to the island. The bird was very mobile, singing a few times before moving on to another song post. After a few hours it finally showed well enough for some decent photos.

Singing Rosefinch rosenfink 

Other sightings included my first Swift tårnseiler of the year and a number of new species for the island for 2024. Sedge Warbler sivsanger, Lesser Whitethroat møller and all the usual suspects put in an appeance

Heavily cropped and distant record shot of the Rosefinch

2cy Rosefinch rosenfink

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