Monday, May 20, 2024

Øygarden 13.05-14.05.2024 - Out of Øygarden guiding pays off

 No birding yet again on 13.05 but there were a few sightings of interest - two Black-tailed Godwits svarthalespove at Breivik, a Pied Wagtail svartryggerle in the garden where a flock of six Common Crossbill grankorsnebb flew over.

Black-tailed Godwits svarthalespove at Breivik

Meadow Pipit heipiplerke at Breivik

The next day 12 Collared Dove tyrkedue heading south over my terrace was an unusual observation and I picked up the Golden Eagle kongeørn rather further south in Øygarden.

A very successful guiding trip took me to Herdla in sunny conditions with fresh southerly winds. Plenty to see during the few hours we were there including two Temminck's Stints temminkssnipe (first for the county this year), a flyover Little Ringed Plover dverglo, four Black-tailed Godwits svarthelspove, a pair of Shoveler skjeand and a couple of Yellow Wagtail gulerle. Lapwings vipe had plenty of chicks on the go and other breeding waders were numerous. A few Dunin myrsnipe fed on the shore but there was little in the way of seaduck to be seen - most have now left this wintering locality.

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