Thursday, May 23, 2024

Øygarden 16.05-17.05.2024 - Icterine Warbler

No birding activity on 16 May though I did pick up my first Whinchat buskskvett of the year during a drive-by at Breivik.

Linnet tornirisk at Breivik

On Norway's national day I did my usual round at Herdlevær and saw a decent selection of migrants and newly arrived breeders. Best bird was a singing Icterine Warbler gulsanger. A couple of Shelduck gravand heading south, six White-tailed Eagles havørn, a Whimbrel småspove, singing Blackcap munk and Lesser Whitethroats møller, a Skylark sanglerke heading south and a couple of Twite bergirisk were among the sightings.

Icterine Warbler gulsanger at Herdlevær

Some of the White-tailed Eagles havørn present

A female Mallard stokkand at Kollsnes had 11 young.

Mallard stokkand with lots of young at Kollsnes

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